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Bed Bug - Cimex Lectularius

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The Bites

The eggs are clear to opaque and will be 'glued' in the crevices where the bed bugs are harboring. Eggs can be found in other locations, but let's leave those spots for the professionals to find since each home is different. As they grow they shed, we call these their cast skins. They vary in color depending on when they took their last blood meal, reddish-brownish to dark brown. Right after they hatch, they are extremely small, but you can still see them. They grow to the size of an apple seed. Feeding every 5-7 days, it takes approximately 6 weeks to complete the life cycle from egg to sexually mature adult.

Everyone reacts differently to the bites. Those that are highly allergic might swell all the way down their arm, while others might have what looks like a rash. Somewhat similar to a mosquito bite, the bed bug bite could differ in the duration it takes to heal. Often the itch turns to a burning or tingling sensation. There are also those people who do not react at all, these cases can turn into major infestations since the bugs can go unnoticed for a long time. They frequently bite in sequence, but its not uncommon for someone to have just a single bite.

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The Furniture

Flip the box spring over and check the folds of the fabric where it is stapled to the wood, check under the plastic corner caps, inspect the inside gaps of the wheels. Pull the bed away from the wall and inspect the cracks and crevices of the head board. Inspect the seams of the couch and around the feet and dust ruffle. Since these bugs are excellent at hiding, it might be easier to locate their fecal matter. It will be a small round black spot that should smear when wet.


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